Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Kid on the Block

As we all know these babies are the newest edition to my collection of shoes and I have to say pairing them up with an outfit was a bit of a challenge. Luckily two heads are better than one and when I was figuring out to wear, Martha put her two cents in and we went with a monochromatic color scheme. Now that my fear of taking pictures with spectators are gone, we can literally go anyways and take pictures. Well maybe except Gaebe, where all the students are heh.. 

OH! and funny story of the day: okay so you know where I sitting on the concrete ledge? (It's actually right behind a post office) Well Martha and I left both of our cell phones on top of it while we continued to take pictures. At one point Martha went back for our phones and they weren't there anymore, so Martha goes "nathalie...NATHALIE..our-" we panicked for about one second because as she got closer to the ledge she saw a post office employee had picked them up. She then explained to tell the employee that the phones were ours, and he responded that he was going to put it up in Lost and Found. Oh man that was funny, because I was like just like wait a minute I hadn't seen any weirdos come around- but yeah so funny. 

SHIRT: H&M / SKIRT: F21 / SHOES: Jeffrey Campbell

OH! And look at this really pretty picture of Martha~ doesn't she look nice?

Alright well enjoy the rest of your day everyone! It's the weekend for me so party party party I go~



  1. i love these shoes!
    and your outfit is great!

    1. thank you very much evi! I am loving these shoes as well ^____^


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