So this week, I found a whole bunch of missing pictures, these wonderful street shots as some of the pictures. I usually upload my photos on Iphoto, so when I saw that these pictures weren't in my Iphoto library I thought they went missing. So I checked my other photo folders, in hopes of finding them, but nothing showed up. However, when I was going to delete some files because my computer only has 3.40GB available on it's hard drive...I found them! They were in some random, program folder, don't know how they got there, but at least I found them. A bit late I know, but ya know what they say: better late than never!
Anywho on with el estilo~
So for this week's Providence Street Style, I guess it was good that I found this pictures so late because I think they would look great as back to school outfits.
First here is my friend Brittany: I thought she looked so cute with this outfit on! It really fits her personality, I think. Brittany, is a very nice charming girl, but with a little bit of a kick in her step. (Oh yeah cheezing it right now) The contrast of her blazer with the neutral color of the rest of her outfit is great! Especially for people who are a bit afraid to wear color; a little pop of an electric color will give you the satisfaction of adding color but by not going overboard. Also the color even matches her shoes! So cute!
Second is my friend Paula, who's from California and I think her style goes hand and hand with where she's from. I think almost everytime I see one of her outfits I always say: Oh Paula, you're so California! It's true! Her wardrobe consists of vibrant pops of color and funky patterns. You can definitely see that from her outfit here. When I saw her that day, I was like: Paula! You looks like a 50s housewife! Let me take your picture! So here we have polka dot with checkerboard patterns, but it's looks good together. In addition, her shoes tie in all the different colors, even with her bag.
So moral of the pictures? Go for colors, even if it's a little pop of it. Don't be afraid to mix different patterns together- it could surprise you how well they could look like.
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this week's Providence Street Style! Ciao chicos y chicas! Oh and guess what? I finished my internship! Finally! So more posts on their way :D
Enjoy your Monday Funday everyone!
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