"This is so awkward! HAHAHAH" |
Sometimes I really wonder how other bloggers do it, you know like posting everyday? I try, I really do! However, being a full time college student, a president of a club, and going to work is a triple threat that sometimes gets a really difficult. But I really do get by with a little help from my friends. These past days, I've just been asking my friends to help me take pictures for the blog. I'm really glad that they've been really supportive and helpful~ See, I would bring my tripod and everything but let me tell you something you probably didn't know. When I see other bloggers they always have some type of purse of clutch with them, and it really helps complete the outfit. Now, you might think: 1. wow this girl doesn't need to carry anything with her! Lucky! or 2. Does she not believe in purses? Unfortunately, its the complete opposite. Everyday I carry My laptop bag, that includes my laptop, notebooks, and my camera. Just that alone is really heavy. So lets add a tripod, and a purse that probably contains a whole bunch of other things. What does that equal to? No bueno, no me gusta. So I just always end up opting out of carrying my tripod and carrying a purse (unless it's the weekend). Also, not only would it be really heavy if I carried all those things but I wouldn't look like Isla Fisher:
looking at fashionable and such, but more like...
Well no, I"m exaggerating, but you get the idea.
But luckily, thanks to my awesome friends, I don't have to look like a bag lady! So thank you friends!
Moving on, so for my outfit I am finally wearing this French Connection shirt, that I have been dying to wear. I just didn't know how I wanted to pair it up, but then when realized I had my orange pants, it was like *light bulb* I was going to wear this yellow leather jacket I had, but I just went for the green wind breaker instead to go with my shoes. My friend Paula helped me out with the pictures, and it took me a while to really get focused. I just kept on laughing, and laughing and laughing. One thing I do really well: is laugh. Okay I'm going off on a tangent here, so let me just stop right now.
Jacket: Lacoste / Shirt: French Connection / Pants: H&M / Shoes: Bought in Korea
You look stunning x
thank you so much~!